Hey there netizens of uzbekistan!
ur football team kill the shit of mie country !..salutee!!
tats y i watch epl....singapore suckcer(get it??..soc-cer) is like playing badminton..(??!!)
okae den...yesterdae mie fren n i decided to do sumtink stupid....
BOTAK OUR HEAD!!!..Yeah!... u Guys heard it right...After wurk wif mie mom..we went to eddie'S and
y we do this..???...i dunnoe...hahahha..
Juz went to watch movie wif dian!!....made of honour...funny and sweet show..
rating hmmm....hw bout..3.5/5..=P
BOUGHT mieself a new bag and shirt...ah-hAH!..yeesss lar...
y am i gettin a lot of bag nowadays..haiyoooo...
heard kumar gets promoted..
CONGRATS lar dei!!...kembang ah si mat kotai mama tu..hahahha...=P...
hahahah....okae den...i shall stop coz ive been tokin craps!!..hhahha....
till next post.....toodles!!
ended it all.