Ola guys !!.. Okae after soooo loongg...i've decided to update my blog...hahaha....Y the long break from blogging?.. Idk maybe i just couldnt find the time... :D...Anyway this month could be the idk errrmmmm the mnth to forget??.. haiyoooo....bluerrrggghh...
Firstly , well , i miss my bestFriend Lah'Bonch 18th birthday party ... ah dammnnn!!!.. well its happening.. and i miss all the fun.. wahliaoweei! ** sucks bigtime!.. anyway dengar2 dier dah pandai grinding pe...woooot!..haha
Next, i miss the most part of hari raya...blueeekk!
Lastly, well after done well throughout my course and i have 3 weeks to complete it, somethink tragic happened... i injured my kneee.. oh the agonyyy!!!! T.T... there goes my hope and dreams...Nw im scared to jump high!...ahhhhhhh confident dah hilang.. and yesss i hate being nt able to walk and jog!...DANG!... T.T
any way!
lerr baru nk 18 ..hahaha!
TIll den Toodles~~
ended it all.